Ideas in Action
Grow Your Brand
Five ways to ensure your LinkedIn profile is growing your brand:
1. Make sure you have a minimum of 500 connections. Once you reach 501, your page will show “500+”. Having less than 500 signals you have not gone digital.
2. Utilize your “Summary” to articulate where you are going, not where you have going, not where you have been. Your work history describes where you have been. People want to know where you are going. Make this section exciting, compelling and inspiring. Leave people feeling a desire to join your journey.
3. Share meaningful attachments and links throughout your profile that people can reference. Additional content people can share that provides evidence of your expertise.
4. Sign up to follow people, forums and other organizations your audience is interested in. Demonstrate you are connected to the most important people and companies in your field of expertise.
5. Upload a back ground picture that shows you in action in the area of your expertise.

Create a future of living a life that matters
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